Adventures in Point and Click
A few months ago, I had the mad idea of getting back to my roots by creating an old school point and click adventure game.
As a web developer by trade for the last 20 years, but a digital creative at heart, I had lost track of my original intended career path. I haven't picked up a pencil in anger in years. Creating this game is my journey back to being an artist and animator. It's crazy Jim, but it might just work.
The Librarian is an episodical point and click game set in the 1920's. The hero is a young girl called Daphne, the titular librarian turned detective. She spends her days tidying books and uncovering conspiracies and injustice. This dev-log chronicles my journey in learning games development and bringing Daphne to life. I'll share frustrations and tips along the way. Come along for the ride.
Goodbye Unreal. Hello Godot.
Unreal Engine is one of the most advanced game engines in the world. It's also bloody infruitating to learn and takes up ~37gb of disk space before you have even started. Enter the little guy.
Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions. I've been fighting something for the last few months without really realising it. I was fighting Unreal Engine, one of the most advanced game engines in the world.